Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Perfidious Albion Strikes Again: UK Agency Declares "West. Wall Not Israel"

Ordinarily, when a person wrongs another person in clearly immoral way, they try their best to forget what happened, to ignore the guilt. All the more so with countries, who try to glaze over atrocities and do their best to show how they are buddy-buddy with nations they formerly abused.

Germany went out of its way to show how it had turned a new leaf after the Holocaust by offering some compensation to Jewish survivors, while at the same time doing its best to ignore its embarrassing past. Turkey to this day pretends that the massacres of Armenians in World War I never happened, and that relations between the two were never genocidal. Certainly neither would persecute their respective victims again; nor would Japan want even the slightest claim of abuse from China following its war crimes there in the 1930s and 40s.

But Britain is different. Today the UK is a bastion of anti-Semitism. Not only have criminal acts of anti-Semitism grown tremendously over the last few years, but also anti-Israel [read anti-Jewish] boycotts, bans on Israeli citizens [!] in private establishments and businesses, government funding for anti-Israel militant groups inside Israel to encourage them to break our laws, and now the most chutzpadik thing of all: telling us the Western Wall isn’t Israel!

After the UK’s shameful and illegal acts before and during World War 2; preventing hundreds of thousands of Jews from escaping Europe to the Palestine Mandate (which Britain was allowed to manage in order to ENABLE and encourage Jewish immigration!) and even foiling attempts to barter Jews-for-trucks from the Nazis, lest the inflow of Jews into Palestine upset Britain’s Arab allies.

After all this, the UK now has the wretched gall to claim that the Western Wall isn’t part of Israel! The Advertising Standards Authority, a public British agency, has dictated to the Israeli Tourism Ministry that it needs to remove the Western Wall from its advertisements, claiming that the Wall isn’t part of Israel

Some people, and countries, never change.