Sunday, December 27, 2009

With or Without You: Iran's Ongoing Upheaval

AP: Witnesses: Iran police fire on protesters; 4 dead (27-12-2009)

“demonstrators fought back furiously against security forces, hurling stones at them and setting their motorcycles, cars and vans ablaze”

“In Tehran, protesters tried to cut off roads with burning barricades that filled the sky with billowing black smoke. One police officer was photographed with blood streaming down his face after he was set upon by the crowd in a blazing street.”

“he protests began with thousands of opposition supporters chanting "Death to the dictator"

These are just a few scenes of the ongoing insurrection underway in Iran. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard has been working overtime since the allegedly rigged elections of the past summer to quell the growing movement of rebellion.

Frustrated over the corruption of the present regime and its stifling adherence to Islam’s Sharia Law and facing severe economic troubles in the wake of Teheran’s vehemently anti-Western stance, hundreds of thousands of Iran’s secular young urbanites have begun to undo what their parents did 30 years ago, when Iran’s pro-Western Shah was dethroned, forced into exile, and replaced with Ayatollah Khomeni’s Islamic regime.

Like then, the United States suffers from an inept and indecisive Democratic President who fails to appreciate the urgency of the situation. In 1978 Jimmy Carter failed to provide the backing to the Shah necessary to stave off the infant revolutionary movement and the reassure middle class Iranians of the stability of the government. In so doing he allowed one of America’s principle allies in the region and a major supplier of oil to turn into one of its worst enemies.

Today Barak Obama makes the same mistake by offering little support to the growing revolution against Ahmadinejad, despite the latter’s plans for constructing nuclear arms and wiping Israel off the face of the Earth; not to mention his support of Islamic terror groups the world over. Obama made no demands of Iran vis a vis the election and continues to refuse to apply pressure, either economic or military, to Iran with regards to its nuclear program.

One can only hope that this time the pro-Western elements will win out despite the utter failure of America’s Democrat president to support them.


  1. It's about time America stop pussy-footing around and turn Tehran into a mushroom like Ol' Glory did the slopes in world war 2! Obama, get off your knees you're blowing the game! Take the raggies out! Bring some honor back to America! Every 10 years we gotta beat someone's ass and we really aren't doing that in Sand Svhartza east (Afghanistan) and Sand Shvartza west (Iraq). Bring some honor and take out Sand Svhartza Central (Iran).

  2. I luv it how obama treats isreal like his stepson but iran he does nothing about. what a good choice america!

  3. i dont understand why noone tryes to overthrow the goverment of iran-its easiest way, expecially when citizens of iran are mostly against its goverment policy..

  4. They are trying now, but the problem is its very hard to overthrow a government without help from the outside, which they are not receiving.

  5. JC-

    Who says Ol' Glory has to ask for permission to go into another country on the opposite side of the world (in which to be honest, I am not quite sure I know exactly where Iran is) to take out a page from Stone Cold Steve Austin's book and just open a can of whoop ass. We did it to the slopes in WW2 and to the Charlies in Vietnam and to the gooks in Korea. Now really, who says Ol Glory can't just go in there and throw out some sand shvartzas and replace them with a government that is favorable towards the whiteman. Ol' Glory has lost its touch at being the world super badass it's time we pick up our skirt and grab our balls and get back to the basics.


  6. 8 dead. 300 arrested. foreign people also arrested(for some reason) ,what is more- they are in prison without access to legal counsel or their families.
