Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jewish Skinheads

As reported here at the end of December, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, or ACRI, is an unabashedly leftist organization which uses the guise of “civil rights” to pursue a rabidly anti-Israel agenda. In December it was their case in the Israeli Supreme Court to open up the Israeli-built 443 highway back up to Palestinian Authority traffic, despite the enormous security risk to Jewish drivers.

Lately the ACRI has worked on other projects, such as attempting to oust Jews who have come to reclaim property in historically-Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem that were stolen by Arabs. Following the invasion of Israel by 7 Arab nations, Jordan illegally seized control of east Jerusalem and expelled the Jewish inhabitants, a phenomenon which also occurred across the West Bank in places like Hebron, Neve Yaakov (now part of Jerusalem), Kaliya, and Gush Etzion, whose inhabitants were massacred in 1948.

Backed up by ownership papers and supported by the Israeli courts, Jews have begun to recover property stolen by Arabs in the Shimon HaTzaddik (or Sheikh Jarrah) neighborhood near the Old City.

The ACRI has helped squatting Arabs fight this historical justice tooth-and-nail both in the courts and now on the streets in the form of angry and often violent protests. The Jewish residents of the neighborhood have been forced to hire private security guards as police protection is often inadequate to protect them from the angry mobs incited by ACRI’s goons.

Given this, it was a very pleasant surprise Saturday night when I heard on the news that ACRI’s director, Haggai Elad, was arrested along with 14 other far-left activists and anarchists during an illegal protest outside of Jewish homes in Shimon HaTzaddik.

While the Israeli security apparatus is very eager to arrest Jews on the right of the political spectrum, it has given tremendous leeway to all but the most outrageous behavior of leftists. But I guess somewhere in the chain of command someone realized that this group is nothing but a gang of Judeo-Nazis, harassing Jewish civilians and using violence to prevent justice. Here is a visual example of their handiwork in front of a Jewish home:


  1. B"H - Let us remember that the term "West Bank" is one specially created to white-wash the illegal Jordanian occupation and de-Judaization of Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem between '48 and '67. As of '67 no "West Bank" exists, thank G-d.

  2. Israel is real, that is their land yeah that almost visible small piece of land. The far left in America have shown their true colors as viscious anti-jews. -Autistic Matt

  3. i agree 110% with everything you've written here... except the title. the term "skinhead" refers to a subculture that has no overarching political affiliation. there are neo-nazi skinheads, anarchist skinheads, communist skinheads, traditional skinheads (no political leanings whatsoever), and conservative skinheads (tons of these in north america). its a shame that all skinheads are painted as racist nazis when in fact most are not. my friends and i all happen to be conservative skinheads (some of whom are jewish, including myself) and i can tell you we are pro-israel as it gets. just because we are all skinheads does NOT mean we all get along with each other ;)

  4. fuck ya it nice to hear people speak up on the differences of skins.All i see on the net these days are SHARPS and russia 88s but there are so much more.I for one am trad/independent skin or a choas skin fuck doing some one else propaganda orders
