Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Remembering the Victims of the Oslo Agreement

Yesterday, the 5th of Tevet in the Hebrew calendar, was the 9th anniversary of the assassination of Rabbi Benjamin Zev Kahane and his wife Taliya at the hands of Arab terrorists as the couple drove home north of Jerusalem. They are two of the most famous victims of the Oslo Process, which has claimed thousands of Israeli lives since the much-heralded 1993 Rabin-Arafat handshake (choreographed by none other than current Obama Chief of Staff and perennial detractor of the settlement movement, Rahm Emanuel). It is perhaps the most fitting time to reflect on the Oslo Agreements and the negotiating process from 1993 to the present.

After the left-wing/Arab bloc narrowly won the 1992 Knesset elections in Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, who ran a campaign promoting security and zero tolerance for terrorism, became Prime Minister, the second time in his career. Rabin immediately set about building a governing coalition of the far-left and entered into negotiations with Israel’s sworn enemy, the PLO, and its murderous leader Yasser Arafat. An agreement reached, colloquially known as the Oslo Accords, strongly divided the Israeli public along both the right – left and religious - secular lines.

The agreement established an Arab autonomous entity in almost all of the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank, with more areas in the latter to be handed over in the years to come. The PLO was legalized and its leadership allowed to return from their Tunisian exile. A paramilitary force under PLO control was created and armed with tens of thousands of firearms by the Israeli government. And what was the excuse for arming a terrorist group and arch enemy of Israel? It was said that they could deal with the Islamic terror group Hamas, and would no longer threaten Israelis. That’s right, an Arab terror group whose raison detre was the destruction of Israel would, if legalized and armed, suddenly ally itself with its hated enemy and take up arms against its Arab brothers.

If this wasn’t ridiculous enough, keep in mind how HAMAS itself reached Israel. In 1976, during Rabin’s first term as Prime Minister, Hamas was imported from Egypt into the Gaza Strip by none other than – yep, you guessed it- Yitzhak Rabin. The excuse? The same one he would use to justify importing PLO murderers and arming them in 1993. Hamas could undermine the PLO and provide a less antagonistic alternative leadership for the Arabs.

Given this background, is it any wonder that things are so screwed up in Israel today and that they generally have gotten worse in the last 30 years?


  1. Rabin was an enormous piece of shit who was also instrumental in creating the huge economic gaps within society. So much for representing the socialist party and the party that is supposed to represent the worker the worker.

    Hashem said you fucked over the worker - now I am going to fuck you over good son!

  2. Hashem said to Rabin "You've been served'

  3. And where is Rabin now?? Enough said.

  4. Unfortunately rabin is still worshipped by some people in the media.
