Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Special Place in Hell

I like to believe that there is a special place in hell for murderers and rapists.
I like to believe there is also one for people like Bernie Madoff who destroy lives and even charitable organizations to fund their lavish lifestyles. And I really, truly believe there is an extra special place in hell for a certain kind of liberal.

I definitely don’t mean all liberals; I don’t think that naïve ones who believe a welfare state is simply more likely to produce a stable economy are evil and I don’t think that liberals who were upset by the war in Iraq are bad. We have our differences, but that’s a far cry from believing them to be deeply sick, evil people.

There is, however, a certain strain of malevolent liberalism today that can be best termed “Exploitative Liberalism”. Exploitative Liberals are those leftists who have a pathological need to give to others, but do so at someone else’s expense. They are the ones who think it’s a moral imperative to spend YOUR tax dollars on education for illegal immigrants and sex-changes for employees of the City of San Fran-Sicko. They are the ones who want Affirmative Action to give minorities a leg-up in education and employment opportunities; leaving other more qualified students and job-seekers out in the cold. But they aren’t the liberals’ problem, and it doesn’t bother them so long as they help out whomever they feel deserves it.
What truly outraged me today, however, was a news item that hit closer to home, here in Israel. “The High Court on Tuesday ordered the opening of Road 443, the Modiin-Jerusalem road, to vehicles from the Palestinian Authority. The government was instructed to remove roadblocks preventing traffic from Arab villages along the road.”

For those of you outside of Israel, the 443 is the 2nd large traffic artery between the Tel Aviv area and Jerusalem, running through the Modiin bloc. It provides the 150,000 residents of the bloc with route into the two large Israeli metropolitan centers. From 2000, with the rise in Arab terror, the 443 became a shooting gallery for Palestinian Authority terrorists, leading the Israeli military to close the road to non-Israeli Arabs in 2002. Since then the freeway has been virtually terror-free and Israeli drivers, who literally travelled every day under the gun, could feel secure.

That was until today, however. Today the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in a split decision to open the road to Palestinian Authority traffic. The ruling was in response to a petition brought by Arabs in the region, and brought to court on their behalf by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. The decision will force, in 5 months time, the army to abandon its safety precautions which brought security to the tens of thousands of Israelis who daily use the road to commute, myself included.
This is a classic, and dangerous, example of people who feel a need to help others, and do so at the expense of people they take for granted. People like the ACRI, which cares nothing about the fact that there are many more roads – built by Israel with Israeli taxes- that are Arab only, where Jews are banned from driving, despite the inconvenience caused by this separation, are selective about their help; help which comes at the price of danger and possible death for others. The ruling for the ACRI today came in the wake of the rejection by the Supreme Court of a similar request by Israelis to be allowed access to Arab roads, showing the bias of not only the ACRI but of the Supreme Court.

Such Exploitative Liberals most definitely deserve their own special residence in Gehinom.


  1. #1 What a dumb Anti Semite SHIT face you are, you don’t even deserve a response. Maybe learn a thing or 2 before you talk crap if the U.S.A. didn’t need Israel trust me they would not be giving aide. I would go as far to say that they need us more then we need them, no country in the world has the intelligence that we have, keeping your FAT ass safe I might add, as for Israel we have many options. We can start selling weapons to China and Russia and we will have our new “friends”. As you can see from the way you talk about Jews that through out history we never had and we still don’t have any “friends” its all about interests. I hope that the next time you are tailgating at a Gaiters game I hope you choke on a hot dog, my guess is it would be the hot dog from you friends pants.

  2. I am not an anti semite! I love all types of semites! My accountant is a sneaky little jew who always finds me the good deals! Oh please, the moment we cut you off from Uncle Sam's piggy bank you're dead meat. You want to sell to Charlie and the boys over in Far East! Do it! Lets see how well that goes! And I am not fat! I am 5'4 100 lbs and can do about 15 chin-ups so there! Hell no man, fuck the Gaiters! IT's all about the Cagin' Ragin's! yeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  3. RC you sounds like a royal class little ADD lunatic. You had better repeat middle school before you go spreading your mentally disturbed comments.

  4. RC, while I appreciate any comments from all different viewpoints, bigoted statements will not be tolerated. Please maintain a minimum of decorum when posting and refrain from making racist posts.
